Page 14 - 8 My School Voice_April to June 2024
P. 14

In our Tripura, we have total
                              Sub Divisional Hospital
                              Sub Divisional Hospital                                                        6 State Hospitals, 6 District

                                                                                                             Hospitals  and  15  Sub-

                                                        Kumarghat, Tripura                                   divisional hospitals. Among
                                                                                                             these,  we  have  one  sub
              Joya Roy
                                                                                                             division  hospital  in  our
              CLASS X
                                                                                                             Kumarghat  under  Unakoti
        Government  hospitals  play  an  important  role  in  promoting  health.
                                                                                                             district. On 26th March 2022, Saturday our Honourable Ex – Chief
        Government  hospitals  are  the  backbone  of  our  healthcare  system,
                                                                                                             Minister Biplab Kumar Deb had inaugurated the newly constructed
        offering affordable and quality medical care to those who need it most.
                                                                                                             building  of  Kumarghat  Sub  Divisional  Hospital.  Honourable  MLA,
        They take care of the vast majority of the population, including the poor,
                                                                                                             Bhagaban Das and other dignitaries were present at the inauguration
        the excluded, and the vulnerable. From routine check-ups to complex
                                                                                                             ceremony. Kumarghat sub divisional hospital is a Community Health
        surgeries, these hospitals provide a wide range of medical services.
                                                                                                             Centre -CHC. It provides 24 hours services; it takes care of routine and
                                                                                                                                              emergency  cases.  It  has  30  number  of
                                                                Despite facing numerous                                                       beds and 6 numbers of Medical Officer. DR.

                                                                challenges,  including                                                        Alok  Dewan  is  the  Medical  Officer  In-
                                                                o v e r c r o w d i n g ,   a n d                                             charge. Kumarghat sub divisional hospital
                                                                s t a ffi n g   s h o r t a g e s ,                                             also  adopted  Kaya  Kalpa  which  is  to
                                                                government  hospitals                                                         promote cleanliness, hygiene and infection
                                                                continue  to  serve  with                                                     Control  Practices  in  Public  Health  Care
                                                                d e d i c a t i o n   a n d                                                   Facilities. To recognize such HI that shows
        compassion. The doctors, nurses, and support staff work tirelessly to                                                                  exemplary  performance  in  Adhering  to

        ensure that every patient receives the best possible care, often going                                                                standard  protocols  of  cleanliness  and
        above and beyond their duties to comfort and reassure those in need.                                                                  infection control. Assessment was done to
                                                                                                             improve the quality of care. Kumarghat sub divisional hospital has also
        One of the most significant advantages of government hospitals is their                               started online OPD registration.
        commitment  to  providing  free  or  low-cost  healthcare  to  those  who
        cannot  afford  it.  This  includes  essential  services  like  vaccination                           Health is wealth “is a common sentence that we heard about from
        programs,  maternal  and  child  health  care,  and  disease  control                                childhood, which is true because our good health is our wealth. Our

        initiatives.  By  doing  so,  they  help  bridge  the  gap  in  healthcare                           Indian government has taken various steps to build a strong nation by
        accessibility, ensuring that everyone has a chance to lead a healthy and                             improving  government  hospital  and  medical  centers.  They  have
        productive life.                                                                                     prioritized healthy lifestyles for the people of this country.

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