Page 13 - 9 My School Voice_July to September 2024.cdr
P. 13

etc.  This  is  excellent  place  for  the
                                                                                                             outsiders who come to Kumarghat and
                           Updates of Kumarghat                                                              nearby  areas  for  official  purposes  to

                                                                                   Kumarghat                 stay the night. As the prices of holding a
                                                                                                             night  or  two  is  affordable  and
             Arnab Saha                                                                                      hospitable, travellers o en drop in to
              CLASS X
                                                                                                             spend the night here. The interior looks
        Kumarghat Bazar:                                                                                     of  the  hotel  is  very  luxurious  that
                                                                                                             creates a good impression of the hotel
        This bazar is located in U ar Pabiacherra                                                            in the minds of the people. Also, it is a
        area of Kumarghat. The bazar gives a lot of                                                          restaurant where people can enjoy with
        facili es  to  the  people  around  the  area.                                                       their  family,  friends,  colleagues  by
        Many  vendors,  shopkeepers  who  come                                                               ordering  delicious  food  and  spending
        from various places sell their products and                                                          quality  me with them.
        earn  their  livelihood.  This  includes
        vegetable  shops,  sweet  shops,  groceries,
        sta oneries  and  all  etc.  This  connects                                                          Trends:
        people from various places. Thus, it is one                                                          Trends is a shopping mall which is run by
        of the crowdest places in Kumarghat.                                                                 the Reliance company. It is located near
                                                                                                             the Railway Sta on of Kumarghat. This
        Metro Bazar:                                                                                         mall gives good brand op on of clothes
                                                                                                             to the customers. It was established in
        This shopping mall also known as M Bazar
        is  located  near  Kumarghat  bazar  and                                                             2022, which became an excellent place
        Na onal Highway (NH-8).   The shopping                                                               for shopping various types of clothes.
        mall  was  established  in  2022.  This                                                              Anyone  who  enters  this  mall  would
        shopping mall is really a blessing for the                                                           return with a smiling face sa sfied with
                                                                                                             the quality and style of the brand.
        people  of  Kumarghat  and  neighbouring
        places  as  prices  of  the  goods  are
        reasonable  and  one  can  purchase  any                                                             Smart Point:
        kinds  of  items  without  any  difficulty  of                                                         It is located near NH-8 and opposite to
        going shop to shop looking for our needs.                                                            Holy  Cross  School  Kumarghat.  It  is  a
        During Durga Puja and Christmas season,                                                              small shopping mall where we get all
        the mall used to be very crowded.                                                                    kinds  of  groceries,  cold  drinks,  dry
                                                                                                             fruits,  chips  etc.  It  is  run  by  Reliance
        Hotel Kalpataru Grand:                                                                               Company.  This  place  provides  goods
                                                                                                             l e s s   t h a n   t h e   m a r ke t s .   T h i s
        Hotel Kalpataru Grand is located near Bajaj Showroom. This is the only 3-
        Star Hotel in Kumarghat. This hotel gives a premium quality of foods, rooms                          supermarket also gives discount on the
                                                                                                             products that we purchase.

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