Page 36 - 8 My School Voice_April to June 2024
P. 36


                                          In our school the Science Club
                                          was implemented with an aim
                                          intended  to  promote  interest,
                                          understanding and knowledge

                                          of the scientific world among
                                          the  students  and  the  local
                                          community.  Activities  are
                                          d e s i g n e d   p r i m a r i l y   t o
                                          i n t r o d u c e   s t u d e n t s   t o

                                          undertake  interest  in  science
                                          and  technology.  The  science
                                          club  consists  of  a  group  of
             MR. APU KUMAR ROY
                                          students who desire to explore
                                          their  ideas  of  scientific

      In this club a total number of 50 students are there from class VI to IX. The club leader is Arghya deep De and Sneha Deb is the assistant leader.

      It is divided into three sections i.e physical science, chemical science and biological science.

      Activities to conduct by Science Club during the academic year 2024-25:-

          i)    To conduct seminar, workshop, exhibition and quiz competition to inculcate students knowledge in the field of science.

          ii)   To make students acquire knowledge by giving lectures once in a month.

          iii)   Decorating the walls of the classroom, library, and laboratory with scientific pictures and charts prepared by the students themselves.
          iv)   To help the students to promote discussion on the recent innovation in the field of science.

      Basically, our plan is to provide an opportunity for individuals to learn about different scientific disciplines, conduct experiments and participate in various activities. By

      joining science club Students can enhance their scientific knowledge, develop critical thinking skills and cultivate a passion for science.

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