Page 4 - 8 My School Voice_April to June 2024
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Headmistress's Message

                              Principal's Message

                                                                                                                                        Adversities are opportunities.

     With gratitude to God for His numerous blessings in guiding us into this                                                     In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.
     academic year 2024-25, I am happy to address these few lines. As I mull over
     the months of April to June 2024, I feel happy about our energetic start and                                                                                             - Albert Einstein
     the hard work of all the Staff and the enthusiasm of our students. Excellent
     result of our outgoing class X students (2023-24 batch) was a great boost for                                    In  life’s  journey,  happiness  and  adversities  intertwine  like  roses  and
     us to strive more and to achieve.                                                                                thorns. Robert Collier once said, “In every adversity, there lies the seed of
                                                                                                                      an equivalent advantage. Every defeat is a lesson showing you how to win
     Dear  Students  your  hard  work,  dedication,  and  passion  have  made  our                                    the victory next time.” This reminds us that within challenges, there are
     school an exceptional place to learn and grow. To our staff, thank you for                                       opportunities for growth and triumph. Just as roses bear thorns our lives
     your  tireless  efforts  in  educating  and  supporting  our  students.  Your
     commitment  to  excellence  is  truly  appreciated.  Let's  continue  to  work                                   hold both joy and pain. Yet, it’s through facing adversity that we discover
     together in this academic year 2024-25, to make our school a place where                “No duty is              our  true  strength.  With  faith  and  support,  we  can  navigate  through
     everyone feels valued, supported, and inspired.                                                                  suffering, knowing that we’re not alone on this journey. Embrace the

     As we bring out this 8th issue of our school e-newsletter, I express my                 more urgent than         journey, for even in the darkest moments, there’s a glimmer of hope. Like
                                                                                                                      following the footsteps of those who’ve walked before us, we find solace
     sincere gratitude and appreciation to Ms. Sangi Lushai for her hard work
     and dedication in bring out this “My School Voice”. Also kudos to all those                                      in knowing that we can overcome adversities, trials, and tribulations.
     students who did a project work, under her guidance, during the summer                  that of                  Let’s cherish both the roses and the thorns, for they shape us into who we
     vacation, in exploring and documenting the local places of Kumarghat. Few                                        are meant to become.
     more of their works will be published in the next issue.
                                                                                             returning thanks.”       Adversities are Adorable:
     Word  of  appreciation  and  gratitude  to  Fr.  George,  the  HCEF  Secretary,
     Fr.  Lancy  D’  Souza,  the  manager,  Sr.  Bertila  Tuscan,  the  Headmistress,                                 Amidst life’s T20 storms, true champions emerge, displaying courage in
     Sr. Lahunsuklang Marwein, one who is transferred, for their commitment                                           the face of adversity. Consider the story of Helen Keller, who, despite
     and sustained support. I also wholeheartedly welcome Sr. Ainita Rani and                     - James Allen       being deaf and blind, became a renowned author and advocate for the
     wish her a successful stay with us.                                                                              disabled. Her hardships didn’t define her; they propelled her towards
                                                                                                                      greatness. Adversity is essential for character development akin to the
     I am sure the school magazine in hand would be a nice tool which will surely                                     beautiful  butterfly  emerging  after  enduring  darkness.  As  Joseph
     help  you  to  get  the  glimpses  of  the  activities  and  achievement  of  the
     students of our school. I am sure the quality and variety of contents would                                      B.Wirthelin pointed out, “Life opens more opportunities through dark
     not only be informative but also impressive and enjoyable. In this pursuit of                                    moments.” Just as farmers benefit from rain during storms, learning to
     excellence, I appreciate our parent fraternity for supporting the school in                                      dance in the rain is a vital life skill. Adversity, like shadows, signifies light
     every  aspect.  But  I  would  request  the  students  to  be  always  modest,                                   on the other side.
     humble and disciplined, while being ready to expand the horizons of your
     knowledge and skills by dreaming big and working hard. God bless you!
                                                                            In Jesus Christ                                                                               Sr. Berthila Tuscano F.S
                                                         Fr. J. Sahaya Lourdu Raj CSC                                                                                                  Headmistress
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