Page 7 - 8 My School Voice_April to June 2024
P. 7

As I pen down these few lines for the school newsle er of Holy Cross School- Kumarghat, let me

                                                     congratulate each of you for impar ng quality educa on to the young hearts and minds of the
         Feedback of a                               society.
         Feedback of a

         SMC Member
          SMC Member
                                                     Educa ng the heart involves ins lling values such as empathy, kindness, integrity, and resilience.

                                                     These quali es are essen al for personal development and societal contribu on. When students

                                                     learn to understand and manage their emo ons, they become more compassionate individuals,
                                                     capable of forming healthy rela onships and making ethical decisions.

                                                     In our ever-changing world, future leaders must be adaptable, empathe c, and innova ve. By

                                                     fostering a holis c educa on, we equip our students with the tools they need to steer complex
                                                     challenges, embrace diversity, and drive posi ve change. They learn to think cri cally, communicate

                                                     effec vely, and act with a sense of responsibility towards their communi es.

                                                     As we con nue to cul vate a suppor ve and inclusive learning environment, let us remember that
      Fr. Alfred Dsouza, CSC
      Province Administrator,                        our ul mate goal is to develop well-rounded individuals who are ready to lead with wisdom and
      Holy Cross, Northeast India.                   compassion. Together, we can inspire our students to reach their full poten al and become the
                                                     leaders our society needs.

                                                     It is important to prepare students beyond academic achievements and intellectual growth, the

                                                     educa on of the heart is equally vital. At our school, we believe in nurturing both the mind and heart
                                                     of our young students to prepare them for future leaders of the society.

                                                     My prayerful wishes to everyone who are involved with Holy Cross School, Kumarghat.

                                                     God Bless, Holy Cross Kumarghat.

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