Page 20 - 8 My School Voice_April to June 2024
P. 20

down the orphans in life and to bring sustainable development through
                           Ramakrishna Abhedananda Mission
                           Ramakrishna Abhedananda Mission                                                   livelihood programs within a dignified manner which will help them to
                                                                                                             be a complete man.

                            Kumarghat, Tripura                                                               To meet the physical, mental, emotional and needs of orphan children
           Rupsha Chakraborty
                                                                                                             by  providing  them  with  love,  care,  nourishment,  guidance,  and
              CLASS IX
                                                                                                             education so that they can grow to be valued members of society.
        “The true worth of a civilization is measured by the way it treats
        its most vulnerable members”                                                                         Some of the activities are: -
                                                                     - Mahatma Gandhi                           1.Tree Plantation

                                                                                                                2.Child Nutrition Camp
                                    Ramakrishna Abhedananda Mission, a children                                 3.Health Camp
                                    home for boys, (Kumarghat Branch) is a branch
                                                                                                                4.Yoga Camp
                                    of  Ramakrishna  Vedanta  Math  and  it  is  in
                                    Kumarghat, Unakoti District, Tripura. Though it is
                                                                                                             It is being controlled by-
                                    a religious group of missions, they work as an
                                                                                                                1.Swami Buddhatmananda (The President)
                                    NGO  for  the  welfare  of  society.  The  date  of
                                                                                                                2.Sri Sudhansu Ranjan Deb (Vice President)
                                    registration of the NGO is 25th July 2015. They
                                                                                                                3.Sri Sajal Kanti Deb (Treasurer)
        need cooperation and guidance from all sections of people, and they
        hope that with our best wishes and power they will be able to overcome
        all struggles and face any kind of challenges. From the very beginning,                              Ramakrishna Abhedananda Mission a children home for boys got the
        their  founder  members,  supporters,  and  well-wishers  shower  their                              1st prize from Social Welfare and Social Education Department of
        immense support and help. They pay our sincere thanks to us.                                         Government of Tripura.

        The  mission  of  Ramakrishna  Abhedananda  Mission  is  to  promote                                 Their main project is to
        education through their                                                                              help the needy children.
        activities for the welfare                                                                           With this Ramakrishna
        of orphans and to help                                                                               Abhedananda  Mission
        them and poor students                                                                               the  needy  children's
        in their every need.                                                                                 hope  their  lives  with  a

                                                                                                             promising future.
        They also aim to settle

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