Page 21 - 8 My School Voice_April to June 2024
P. 21

Sub-Divisional Magistrates (SDM) Office
                                            Sub-Divisional Magistrates (SDM) Office                          The SDM faces challenges related
                                                                                                             to infrastructure, connectivity, and
                                                                                                             resource  allocation.  However,
                                                              Kumarghat, Tripura                             they also have the opportunity to
            Pipasha Barman  Nidhi Yadav
              CLASS X       CLASS X                                                                          d r i v e   p o s i t i v e   c h a n g e   b y
                                                                                                             p r o m o t i n g   s u s t a i n a b l e
        The SDM office of Kumarghat is dedicated to serving the local community with                           development and social welfare.
        a range of administrative services. From public welfare to regulatory duties,
        the office is at the forefront of local governance. It was established in the year
                                                                                                             As Kumarghat grows, the SDM office will continue to play a vital role in
                                                                                                             shaping its progress.

        The SDM is a pivotal administrative officer responsible for overseeing the
                                                                                                             Collaborative efforts with citizens, local bodies, and other stakeholders will
        sub-division,  which  includes  Kumarghat  and  its  surrounding  areas.  Their
                                                                                                             be essential for a prosperous and harmonious sub-division.
        duties encompass maintaining law and order, land revenue administration,
        disaster management, and various developmental activities.
                                                                                                             On 29 May, SDM provided shelter to 313 people in which 3000 to 4000
                                                                                                             people were volunteers to save them from flooding due to the rain.
        The  SDM  office  handles  land-related  matters,  including  land  records,
        mutations, and revenue collection. Ensuring peace and harmony within the
                                                                                                             In conclusion, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) office of Kumarghat is a
        sub-division, the SDM collaborates with the police and the other authorities. In
                                                                                                             cornerstone of local governance and administration. It plays a pivotal role in
        times  of  natural  calamities,  the  SDM  coordinates  relief  efforts  and
                                                                                                             maintaining law and order, implementing government schemes, and serving
        rehabilitation  facilities.  The  SDM  office  is  committed  to  addressing  the
                                                                                                             as a bridge between the local populace and the state government. The
        concerns to the citizens. A robust mechanism for grievance redressal ensures
                                                                                                             office’s responsibilities span a wide range of administrative tasks, including
        that every voice is heard and acted upon. Ongoing development projects are
                                                                                                             developmental projects, disaster management, and revenue collection. It
        a testament to the office’s commitment to progress. These initiatives aim to
                                                                                                             also  handles  crucial  matters  related  to  land  acquisition  and  property
        enhance the quality of life for the residents of Kumarghat.
                                                                                                             disputes. The SDM office’s efficient functioning under the leadership of the
                                                                                                             current Deputy Collector and SDM, Shri N.S. Chakma, ensures the delivery
        At the helm of the SDM office is the Sub-Divisional Magistrate, who oversees
                                                                                                             of public services and upholds the rule of law in the region. Thus, the SDM
        the  administration’s  smooth  functioning  and  ensures  that  the  office’s
                                                                                                             office  of  Kumarghat  significantly  contributes  to  the  socio-economic
        objectives  align  with  the  public’s  needs.  The  SDM  office  encourages
                                                                                                             development  of  Kumarghat  and  its  surrounding  areas.  Its  importance
        community  participation  in  local  governance.  By  fostering  a  collaborative
                                                                                                             cannot  be  overstated  as  it  continues  to  serve  the  people  and  strive
        environment, the office seeks to build a partnership with the people it serves.
                                                                                                             for their welfare.

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