Page 45 - 8 My School Voice_April to June 2024
P. 45

On the 21st of May 2024 a felicitation
                Felicitation of           p r o g r a m   c u m   a d v a n c e d   Wo r l d
                                          Environment Day  program was  held at
                   Class X
                                          Holy  Cross  School,  Kumarghat.  The
           Board Achievers 2024           program began with a welcome speech by
                                          Miss  Merry  Debbarma  followed  by
                                          prayer led by Sir Tapan after which the
                                          world  environment  day  was  observed
                                          through watering plants by the achievers
                                          of 2024's Board Exam, accompanied by
                                          MC  sisters,  Principal,  Headmistress,
                                          Supervisor and Parents. Right after that
                                          welcoming of the achievers was done by
                                          the school Principal Fr. J. Sahaya Lourdu
                                          Raj CSC, he extended a warm welcome to
                                          the Chief Guest of the day Sr. Anysia MC
                                          and the guest of honour Sr.  Miranda MC.
            Ms. Nunsiamfeli Darlong
                                          Then the achievers were felicitated with a
                                          Certificate of Appreciation by the Chief
                                          Guest.  Thereafter  Sr.  Anysia  MC,  the
      chief  guest  presented  a  beautiful  and  encouraging  speech  and  she
      congratulated all the students’ achievers. She also wished them good luck for
      their future and prayed for God’s blessings upon each one of them.

      The  dice  was  then  given  to  the  topper  Kaustav  Purkastav  to  share  his
      experience and ideas of how to score good marks in the exam. He thanked all
      the school authorities, teachers and all those who have helped him to secure
      such  position.  He  also  advised  the  younger  brothers  and  sisters  to  be
      persistent and to work hard in order to achieve success in life.

      The SPL of the school, Samadrita Sharma addressed the audience about the
      importance and significance of world environment day. The program was
      then concluded with a vote of thanks by Sir Sourabh Majumder.

      After the official program ended, there was a photo session with the achievers
      and teachers which was followed by planting of trees by different groups.

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