Page 48 - 8 My School Voice_April to June 2024
P. 48

On the 10th of May, 2024, with very short but
                                          sweet program, we bid farewell to one of our
                 Sendoff to               most beloved Sr. Lahunsuklang Marwein FS, the

            Sr. Lahun Marwein FS          Supervisor  of  the  school.  Sr.  Lahun  had  been
                                          with  us  for  the  past  two  years.  The  farewell
                                          program  was  held  in  the  School  Auditorium,
                                          where  students  of  classes  IV-VIII  gathered  to
                                          wish  her  and  thank  her  for  the  last  time.
                                          The  ceremony  commenced  with  welcome
                                          speech, prayer and felicitation, and address by
                                          the School Principal.

                                          Fr. Lourdu in his speech, did acknowledge Sr.
                                          Lahun  as  a  talented  person  and  how  she
                                          dedicated herself for the betterment of the school
                                          and the students. He also expressed his gratitude

           Ms. Lalrongbawli Darlong       for the selfless service that she had rendered for
                                          the school. This was followed by a heartwarming
                                          farewell song sung by the school choir. After that
                                          Sr. Lahun addressed the gathering by thanking
                                   the principal who had helped her and guided her in her
                                    responsibilities and every day’s duties. She expressed
                                    how she had earned lots of love and respect from the
                                    teaching staff and the students. She also expressed her
                                   gratitude to the school managing committee and all the
                                      teaching and non-teaching staff for making the day
                                             very  special  and  memorable  for  her.  Later,
                                              students and teachers wished her a long and
                                               healthy life.

                                                 Overall,  the  farewell  ceremony  was  a
                                                  poignant  and  memorable  event  filled
                                                   with laughter, tears and a deep sense of
                                                   gratitude.  The  ceremony  concluded
                                                    with a vote of thanks and by singing the
                                                    National Anthem.

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